Monday, August 11, 2008

For President : Alan Keyes

I would vote for Alan Keyes for President. I think he would make a great President. In this rather lengthily article he writes about a number of things including (initially) the corruption of the nation. He is however a lot more optimistic than I am on the state of corruption in the US than I am. Many of these men in power have appointed men who will never expose the corruption, nor will they prosecute many of the guilty (unless it's politically motivated), or perhaps rather the investigators will conveniently bumble the investigation(s). There's all sorts of ways to make sure corruption continues or goes un-prosecuted. I should be careful with this post, you never know when some Senator might decide he is annoyed with this post and I get arrested for the felony of blogging "anonymously" and "annoying a Senator". (If you didn't know it, blogging anonymously that annoys a Senator is a felony, this is the America we live in now). Anyway... this is a really good article by Alan Keyes... READ IT HERE.

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