Sunday, May 11, 2008

Muslima prefers Infidel

I couldn't help but think of the story of the muslima who married an infidel in the UK and they are constantly on the run fleeing from being murdered by those "mentally ill" radicals who want to kill them. At least this guy is a soldier who knows how to use a gun. Story follows...

LACEY, Wash. — Their first real date lasted only 20 minutes. It ended because darkness was falling, when unimaginable new threats and nightmares could emerge on the streets of Baghdad.

The American soldier and the Iraqi woman were fighting all the odds.

They were in love and wanted to marry.

From 2004 to 2006, the two had carried on a friendship followed by a yearlong courtship conducted over the phone. Then one day after rehearsing in Arabic with an Iraqi friend, he proposed to her, and she accepted.

Yet after that final meeting in early 2006, the soldier was returning home to Washington.

The two vowed to be reunited in defiance of history, religion and danger.

Yet for the next two years, it seemed as though the entire world was against them.

In March 2004, when the newly mobilized Washington National Guard's 81st Brigade arrived in Iraq, Staff Sgt. Lance Caver, a Bradley Fighting Vehicle commander, noticed the young woman at the checkpoint near the Iraqi Convention Center to which he and his men were assigned.

She was wearing brown pants, a pink blouse and a gold chain necklace. She was Asraa Alaibi, then 24, newly graduated with a degree in English from the University of Baghdad. READ IT ALL HERE


loki said...

I am flabbergasted that this sort of thing doesn't happen way more often.

I mean of course an infidel is preferable to a muslim ESPECIALLY for women who are considered and treated like mere chattle in Islam!!!

90 said...

Well, actually, I think they will have to run for their lives and will probably be murdered some day. I think that is why you don't see more cases like this. Islam is a prison and if a muslim tries to escape they will be murdered.