Sunday, July 27, 2008

Prior to 9-11-2001 I had very little interest in Islam. I knew that it was a belief and practice of muslims to murder those who decided to become apostates and that the origin of this practice was from Mohammad himself. Aside from the attacks on our soldiers in Lebanon at the military barracks and other incidents like the Iranian hostage crisis, both of which angered me, Islam and Muslims didn’t really matter that much to me. They were over there in the crazy Middle East and I was here in America. The attacks on the Twin Towers changed all that for me and since that day, I have done a lot of research on Islam. I am not writing this post concerning what I have learned about Islam, no, instead I think what is more important to focus on is the response of Western nations to those attacks and many more on our own home soil.

One doesn’t have to do too much research to find out why these muslims who supposedly “hijacked” the allegedly peaceful religion of Islam, never hijacked it at all. No, it’s not true at all. All the murderous deeds done by these “radical jihadists” are in fact the things that Mohammad and his companions did to those who opposed him, or even made fun of him when he didn’t have a militant gang of thugs. So the big question for me is, “why do western nations protect Islam” under the guise of “freedom of religion” when Islam has been at war with the world ever since Mohammad had a militia? Would we also protect cannibalism since it too is religiously motivated in tribal regions of the world? I should hope not. Is “freedom of religion” really tolerance of all religions even, if the religion advocates the genocide of non-adherents? Is this what law makers had in mind? You would think so based on the hate crime legislation that so many western countries have passed. If this is the case, then surely those lawmakers wanted to destroy their own nations I would think. The Law in fact is designed to discriminate against “wrong doers”. It seems that now the wrong doers are those who discriminate against murderous cults rather than the murderous cults. The end result under this kind of mentality can only be the destruction of Western Nations.

So, why would politicians in Western countries allow a flood of muslims to pour into their nations? Do they want a bigger tax base for the welfare states that have been created? Why would they want to let in a people who do not assimilate into Western nations and who have a long history of overthrowing non-Islamic governments and establishing Islamic States and Sharia law as the law of the land? I have had some morons tell me they think that “it’s their right”. Again, this is suicide. I guess people don’t love their own country anymore whether they live in Europe or America. It’s puzzling though, had they done their homework they would have found that Islamic States are extremely oppressive and the masses in those countries are poverty stricken. That’s what Islam brings, illiteracy, poverty, and death.

I guess I find myself thinking that people in Europe and America have voted or are planning to vote themselves the treasury. Take care of me from cradle to grave, who needs God and any moral absolutes, the Government is God and we can make up our own right and wrong. I find myself thinking that the only plausible explanation as to why people in power in western nations would want this to happen is a mixture of being bribed and/or they know that the welfare states they have made of western nations are doomed to failure. Socialist states are nothing more than pyramid schemes. I am certain they have crunched the numbers and know that it’s doomed to fail. And so what better way to destroy their own mismanaged governments than to allow savages in who have a history of genocide on the order of nearly 200,000 people a year since Islam was invented and to give them a “protected status” against discrimination? I know it sounds Orwellian, but it sure seems to be the piece that fits the puzzle to me. It all seems Apocalyptic to me.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Obama : US caused 911

Yep, Obama is saying it's all the US's fault that Islamic terrorists do what they do. They are poor (incidently Bin Laden comes from a very wealthy family). I can't help but wonder when Obama will be saying that the US is the terrorist nation and that the war on terror needs to be shifted towards the US because we (US citizens) are the terrorists? Never mind the fact that Islamic Terrorists are solely motivated by Mohammad's teachings... Read it here

Monday, July 14, 2008

US Building Islamic War Planning Buildings

This is enough to make me want to vomit....

THE US Army's combina tion of development with counterinsurgency in Af ghanistan is admirable in all but one regard: We're building mosques and madrassas, too.

When it comes to building roads, bridges, dams, schools and clinics in the 14 eastern Afghan provinces under de facto US Army protection, our military has done far more than any charity, the US Agency for International Development or the Afghan government.

In Khost Province, the model for US counterinsurgency, we built 50 schools last year alone and broken ground on a 200-bed hospital. But we've also finished four mosques, with four more in the works, plus three madrassas, with plans for one in every district (typically areas of 60,000-120,000 people). READ IT ALL HERE

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Too Close To Reality

Cartoon Wars Part I

Cartoon Wars Part II

Friday, July 11, 2008

Mc Donalds:Christians are homosexual haters

I found myself thinking as I read this article that not one single person has ever been born as the result of homosexual activity. Therefore there is not one single consumer of McDonalds fast food that came from this kind of "union" and yet they are pandering to homosexuals. Now McDonalds is calling Christians "haters" for opposing the financial support of the homosexual agenda. I can't help but think what is next? Will they financially support NAMBLA and call anyone who disapproves of that a hater too? Article follows...

Those who oppose homosexuality for religious reasons are participating in "hate," according to an official for McDonald's, the worldwide purveyor of Big Macs and Happy Meals.

"Hatred has no place in our culture," corporate spokesman Bill Whitman told the Washington Post in response to a campaign by the American Family Association for a boycott of the burger-and-fries outlets because of the corporation's advocacy for the homosexual lifestyle. Read More Here

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

William Muir - “The Life of Mahomet (Muhammad)

Yet these benefits have been purchased at a costly price. Setting aside considerations of minor import, three radical evils flow from the faith, in all ages and in every country, and must continue to flow so long as the Qur’an in the standard of belief.

FIRST: Polygamy, Divorce, and Slavery, are maintained and perpetuated ;- striking as they do at the root of public morals, poisoning domestic life, and disorganizing society.

SECOND: freedom of judgment in religion is crushed and annihilated. The sword is the inevitable penalty for the denial of Islam. Toleration is unknown.

THIRD: a barrier has been interposed against the reception of Christianity. They labor under a miserable delusion who suppose that Muhammadanism paves the way for a purer faith.

No system could have been devised with more consummate skill for shutting out the nations over which it has sway, from the light of truth. Idolatrous Arabia (judging from the analogy of other nations) might have been aroused to spiritual life, and to the adoption of the faith of Jesus; Muhammadan Arabia is, to the human eye, sealed against the benign influences of the Gospel. Many a flourishing land in Africa and in Asia which once rejoiced in the light and liberty of Christianity, is now overspread by gross darkness and a stubborn barbarism. It is as if their day of grace had come and gone, and there remained to them "no more sacrifice for sins." That a brighter day will yet dawn on these countries we may not doubt; but the history of the past and the condition of the present is not the less true and sad. The sword of Muhammad, and the Qur’an, are the most fatal enemies of Civilization, Liberty, and Truth, which the world has yet known. READ MORE HERE

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Romans 12:16-21

Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation.

Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men.

If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.

Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord.


Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. SOURCE

(This stands in total contradiction to the teachings of Islam.)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Muslim Pimps in the UK

They let them into their country... they give them a superior protected status... condemn and bring up on charges those who criticize them as hate criminals... all while they are obeying the teachings of their prophet who taught that them that non-adherants are animals and their women as whores... so they enslave the non-adherants daughters plying them with drugs as prostitutes.... They even call their own women who are not veiled "whores", and all of this is because the "prophet" told them so... and nobody cares? Article follows...

British girls as young as 12 are being forced into prostitution by migrants in a new crime of 'internal' people trafficking.

Children from ordinary families are groomed by older men posing as boyfriends before being pimped around the UK to have sex up to 20 times a night.

They are raped and often drugged, according to police.

Officers have identified 'syndicates of Iraqi men throughout the UK' behind the exploitation. READ IT ALL HERE