Saturday, May 31, 2008

Are they forgotten?

I wonder if the local authorities ever called the murder of Sarah and Amina Said an honor killing yet? Their Father who murdered them is still at large. He is either back in Egypt or is being shuttled around in an Islamic underground railroad here in the US. If he is being shuttled around in an underground railroad, this wouldn't surprise me one bit. Muslims would think that such a thing as Honor killing is "Allah's Law" (Sharia) and would think what he did was permissible. They don't care about western laws. Don't forget what was done to Sarah and Amina!

Friday, May 30, 2008

While Muslims long to commit Genocide...

Our elected Representatives and people in our education system are essentially pushing Islam on our kids. What's wrong with this picture? Are people in government and education retarded? Don't they believe Muslims when they tell them they want them dead? Do they think they are joking??? Article follows....

Washington is laid to waste. The Capitol is a blackened, smoking ruin. The White House has been razed. Countless thousands are dead.

This is the apocalyptic scene terrorists hope to create if they ever get their hands on a nuclear bomb.

The computer-generated image below was posted on an Islamic extremists' website yesterday.

It appeared as rumours swept the Internet that the FBI was warning that an Al Qaeda video was about to be released urging militants to use weapons of mass destruction to attack the West.

The information was said to be coming from 'groups that monitor Islamic militant websites'. READ IT ALL HERE

Monday, May 26, 2008

Bush a Christian? Bush a law abiding citizen?

It just doesn't surprise me that this is happening. George Bush is a man who says everybody prays to the same God. Everybody? Does this man have no discernment between good an evil? Seems to me he doesn't. Now this...

Jenna Bush says it's OK for Ellen DeGeneres to use the Crawford ranch for her wedding

Maybe Dick Cheney will be there.

Ellen DeGeneres, the TV talk-show host and soon-to-be-married lovebird, received the permission of Jenna Bush Hager to hold her wedding at her family's Prairie Chapel Ranch in greater Crawford.

The subject came up when Jenna (we're going to have to get used to calling her "Hager") and her mom, first lady Laura Bush, were appearing on the comedian's talk show taped for airing on Wednesday.

"So, the ranch was a great place to get married - it looked like nobody could fly over and get pictures or bother you, really," DeGeneres said, according to an authoritative report on READ IT ALL HERE

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Interesting Article on Cult History in the US

Cults and fringe religions are not among the themes and images that come immediately to mind when we think of the American home front during the Second World War. For most casual observers, "cults" are more directly associated with the post-hippy world of the 1970s, the time of Jonestown and Charles Manson, of "Moonies" and Hare Krishna devotees. Yet a glance at the mass media of the 1940s will show just how potent an issue fringe religions were in this time, to the extent than we can speak of a wartime anti-cult scare just as vivid as that of the seventies. The very diverse targets included Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormon polygamists, radical Pentecostals and "serpent-handlers," Black Muslims, and adherents of many occult and esoteric sects. And unlike during the 1970s, widespread public concern in this earlier period was accompanied both by intense official investigation, and by popular vigilantism. Between 1942 and 1944, a newspaper headline about “Cult Arrests” or “Police Seek Cult Leaders” might refer to any one of twenty groups, and in any part of the country. 1

Throughout American history, war has often been linked to fringe religious activity. Partly, this reflects the greater social role enjoyed by women while their men-folk are away in the services, since new and fringe religions generally draw greater support from women than men. But other factors might also be at work. Particularly damaging conflicts lend credence to apocalyptic beliefs, and the sects that preach them. War, obviously, also implies death and bereavement. Naturally enough, spiritualism flourished both during and after the civil war and the first world war, as families tried to contact their lost loved ones. In the same eras too, exposés of fraudulent mediums laid the foundations for a long-standing tradition of anti-cult rhetoric. The new geographical horizons opened by warfare can also have an impact on religious attitudes. The very word "cult" acquired its pejorative present meaning precisely in 1898, the time of the Spanish-American war, and the attendant exposure to Asian culture and religion. 2
Repeatedly, we find that racial prejudices and stereotypes underlie anti-cult hostility. The vigorous anti-cult mythology of the 1970s drew heavily on Korea- and Vietnam-inspired images of sinister Orientals brainwashing loyal Americans into mindless obedience. Anti-Black stereotypes also had their impact, since followers of fanatical sects were believed to be slipping into a stereotyped "blackness," abandoning rational religion for degenerate primitivism. In both types of rhetoric - anti-Asian and anti-Black - the suggestion is that white "cultists" are betraying their proper White roles, forsaking Whiteness. READ IT ALL HERE

Nicholas and Helena Roerich

I was watching a show about the Free Masons on the history channel and they mentioned this Russian Nicholas Roerich who influenced Vice President Henry A. Wallace and President Franklin Roosevelt for a period of time. And as I read all this crap this russian talked about concerning some supposed rock that will empower to rule the world or give the holder imortality AND the fact that they made references to the black Rock in the Kabba, I just couldn't help but think that perhaps this lunacy is influencing some of the people in power here in the US. This is totally insane. This russian listened to the lies of Madam Blavatsky, another occultist who influenced the Nazi's. All I can say is people in power are being influenced by the lies from the likes of people like these, this world is in deep trouble. READ MORE HERE

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saudi's Influence on the US Presidential Race

I have been talking to a number of people about how Saudi is keeping the price of fuel high and a number of them agree that the Saudi's are deliberately keeping oil prices high to hurt the US economy and help Obama get elected as President. There have also been numerous comments on how much money have flowed into his coffers. Where is all this money coming from? All I can say is if this is indeed the case the Republican Party had better wise up soon before it's too late. Here is a story on where he's getting his money.

Muslims handing out free Qurans

I was reading this story about muslims handing out free qurans and under the comments someone posted this cartoon, I thought it was really funny. About one out of every five (5) verses in the Quran makes no sense at all. Here's a quote on it...

The German secular scholar Salomon Reinach wrote:

"From the literary point of view, the Koran has little merit. Declamation, repetition, puerility, a lack of logic and coherence strike the unprepared reader at every turn. It is humiliating to the human intellect to think that this mediocre literature has been the subject of innumerable commentaries, and that millions of men are still wasting time in absorbing it." (Reinach 1932:176)

I was reading this story about muslims handing out free qurans and under the comments someone posted this cartoon, I thought it was really funny.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Muslima prefers Infidel

I couldn't help but think of the story of the muslima who married an infidel in the UK and they are constantly on the run fleeing from being murdered by those "mentally ill" radicals who want to kill them. At least this guy is a soldier who knows how to use a gun. Story follows...

LACEY, Wash. — Their first real date lasted only 20 minutes. It ended because darkness was falling, when unimaginable new threats and nightmares could emerge on the streets of Baghdad.

The American soldier and the Iraqi woman were fighting all the odds.

They were in love and wanted to marry.

From 2004 to 2006, the two had carried on a friendship followed by a yearlong courtship conducted over the phone. Then one day after rehearsing in Arabic with an Iraqi friend, he proposed to her, and she accepted.

Yet after that final meeting in early 2006, the soldier was returning home to Washington.

The two vowed to be reunited in defiance of history, religion and danger.

Yet for the next two years, it seemed as though the entire world was against them.

In March 2004, when the newly mobilized Washington National Guard's 81st Brigade arrived in Iraq, Staff Sgt. Lance Caver, a Bradley Fighting Vehicle commander, noticed the young woman at the checkpoint near the Iraqi Convention Center to which he and his men were assigned.

She was wearing brown pants, a pink blouse and a gold chain necklace. She was Asraa Alaibi, then 24, newly graduated with a degree in English from the University of Baghdad. READ IT ALL HERE

Hitting the Nail on the Head

Relatively few know that the United States ambassador to the United Nations is an Afghanistani immigrant and Muslim named Zalmay Mamozy Khalilzad. "What a wonderful sign of tolerance!", cries the multicultural self-hating leftist, as well as the dhimmi W. Bush. Bush and the Left are one--they uncritically curry favor with those who hate us.

Yes, that's right; as soon as Bush had the chance, he appointed a man from the country that attacked us, and a coreligionist of those that attacked us. Yes, I know, the jihadi terrorists perverted Islam, and this guy is not like that. He's liberal, enlightened, educated, they say.

And I respond: This is exactly what Osama bin Laden wants. Bin Laden is not interested in good Muslims taking over the West. He is interested in ANY Muslims taking over the West. Good, bad, Sunni, Shia, makes no difference for now. That war is for later, once colonization and dhimmification or eradication of non-Muslims is complete. He has said as much.

Nice Muslims only serve to obfuscate that the problem with Islam is a legal one. It doesn't matter what nice Muslims think, if Sharia law is against you. Nazi Germany was loaded with nice Germans, but if the law was against you, well, .... you know the story. Sharia law is inevitable once the Muslim population reaches critical mass. A student of Islam knows there is nothing of substance to distinguish the "moderate Muslim" from the Islamist, because Islam is defined not by them but by the politically powerful imams and mullahs. They must keep Islamic law severe as the day it was written, or risk losing hundreds of millions of members (and all hope of conquering the planet) who wish to leave Islam. Islam is a prison, and the clerics are the wardens, in other words. READ THE REST HERE

The Crusader Returns From Captivity

'I have come forth alive from the land of purple and poison and glamour
where the charm is strong as the torture, being chosen to change the mind;
torture of wordless dance and wineless feast without clamour,
palace hidden in palace, garden with garden behind;

'Women veiled in the sun, or bare as brass in the shadows,
and the endless eyeless patterns where each thing seems an eye...
And my stride is on Caesar's sand where it slides to the English meadows
To the last low woods of Sussex and the road that goes to Rye.

"In the cool and careless woods the eyes of the eunuchs burned not
but the wild hawk went before me, being free to return or roam,
the hills had broad unconscious backs, and the tree tops turned not,
and the huts were heedless of me; and I knew I was at home.

"And I saw my lady afar and her holy freedom upon her,
a head without veil, averted, and not to be turned by charms;
and I heard above bannerets blown the intolerant trumpets of honour,
that usher with iron laughter the coming of Christian arms..."

When will people in western nations stop vilifying Christianity for the Crusades?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Are we any safer Today than we were before 911?

911 Revisted

Mohamed Atta reportedly has a very strange meeting with Johnelle Bryant of the US Department of Agriculture (incidentally, one month before the official story claims he arrived in the US for the first time). According to Bryant, in the meeting Atta does all of the following:
bullet He initially refuses to speak with one who is “but a female.”
bullet He asks her for a loan of $650,000 to buy and modify a crop-dusting plane.
bullet He mentions that he wants to “build a chemical tank that would fit inside the aircraft and take up every available square inch of the aircraft except for where the pilot would be sitting.”
bullet He uses his real name even as she takes notes, and makes sure she spells it correctly.
bullet He says he has just arrived from Afghanistan.
bullet He tells about his travel plans to Spain and Germany.
bullet He expresses an interest in visiting New York.
bullet He asks her about security at the WTC and other US landmarks.
bullet He discusses al-Qaeda and its need for American membership.
bullet He tells her bin Laden “would someday be known as the world’s greatest leader.”
bullet He asks to buy the aerial photograph of Washington hanging on her Florida office wall, throwing increasingly large “wads of cash” at her when she refuses to sell it. [ABC News, 6 June 2002.')" onmouseout="return nd()">ABC News, 6/6/2002]
bullet After Bryant points out one of the buildings in the Washington photograph as her former place of employment, he asks her, “How would you like it if somebody flew an airplane into your friends’ building?”
bullet He asks her, “What would prevent [me] from going behind [your] desk and cutting [your] throat and making off with the millions of dollars” in the safe behind her. READ IT ALL HERE

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

True Repentance : Forsaking the profits of WitchCraft

For most of us, it would be hard to pick a single defining moment in our life.

For John Megoliki, though, that's easy.

One moment profoundly altered his life, first nearly ending it, then adding layers upon layers of change to it.

At age 6, a crocodile bit off his right arm.

It was an event that didn't just forever affect him in the obvious physical ways. It changed him spiritually and professionally. It led him to forsake an ordained-at-birth job - witch doctor for the village - and give up all that came with it.

First, though, it led him to North Florida. At age 9, he underwent extensive surgery and treatment here, got a prosthetic arm, then returned home to Tanzania. At the time, the people who got to know him in Jacksonville - doctors and nurses, church members, families who opened their home to him - thought it might be the last time they saw him.

But he has come back twice, first in 2000 for a prosthesis replacement and again this month for a new, adult-sized prosthetic arm. He no longer is the little boy who only spoke Swahili. He now is 6-foot-5 and speaks fluent English, albeit often softly and sometimes reluctantly.